Anna's Hummingbirds
I've gotten my hummingbird feeder up again after having it down for some time, and the hummers are happy. At least three Anna's hummingbirds have been making regular, frequent visits. They've been nervous about me trying to take pictures, but I keep trying, anyway. This morning I set myself up on the deck, about six or seven feet from the feeder, camera, tripod, myself and stool and all wrapped in a sheet. It's not a proper blind but it's all I've got!The birds had quite a bit to say to me, and a couple of them made a threatening swoop by my head, but eventually one decided it was safe to drink. He came back a few times and I managed to get a few pictures. After drinking he'd go sit in a favorite nearby tree. The other male favors a different tree that's forms a roughly equilateral triangle with the feeder and the other hummer's tree. They both sat in their trees and took turns scolding me and each other.As I write this they continue to visit the feeder which is suction-cupped to the window next to my desk. I have the blinds down but cracked open so I can see the visitors and they seem more comfortable with me. Every time one visits I want to grab my camera and snap away, but as soon as I pick it up the bird is off in a blur and a buzz. Mostly I keep very still, watching and enjoying their presence.