Waterfowl at the Park: Lots of Bird Pictures

greater scaup by Elizabeth Smith rowntreestudio.comWinter is the time for waterfowl around here. In the summer we have mallard ducks, a few gadwalls and a batch of Canada geese. This time of year the mallards and gadwalls are around, plus a few more. Yesterday I went to a park down on the lake and saw a wonderful variety of waterfowl, plus some seagulls. I don't have the camera equipment to get great shots of birds far out on the water, but I do take some not-so-great shots to use at home to help with identification.This is what an afternoon at the park can look like:winter day by elizabeth smith rowntreestudio.comWigeons on the beach by Elizabeth Smith rowntreestudio.combufflehead by Elizabeth Smith rowntreestudioc.om waterfowl by elizabeth Smith rowntreestudio.comcommon merganser by elizabeth smith rowntreestudio.comgreen-winged teal by elizabeth smith rowntreestudio.comhooded merganser by elizabeth smith rowntreestudio.commallard tail by elizabeth smith rowntreestudio.comduck pond by elizabeth smith rowntreestudio.combarge by elizabeth smith rowntreestudio.comring billed bull by elizabeth smith rowntreestudio.comIt's hard to stay inside painting when it's so sunny out! Sometimes I need the sun. I hope you've enjoyed this peek at the local wildlife. Now I'll get back to work on a watercolor painting that you'll seen here soon.   


Work In Progress: Hydrangea


Drawing on Nature: Flora and Fauna