Copyright Infringement: Ugh!
Earlier this week I discovered, completely by chance, multiple counts of copyright infringement involving one of my works. I happened to be looking at a set of floral stickers available on what I believe to be an honest website, and suddenly realized that one of my own paintings was included in the set! I investigated further and discovered that in addition to the sticker set, available on various website, my artwork was being sold and made available as clip art on other websites as well.
I was warned that no artist escapes having their artwork stolen, but I really, really hoped I’d be the exception. It’s a violation, like a burglary, and to complicate it, the various websites involved probably have no idea they’re involved in the theft. Someone, sometime, thought it was ok to take my image from my Etsy shop and use it without authorization. It could even be that the sticker manufacturer thought they were using it legally.
Now, instead of creating something new, I have to spend my time sending out take-down notices and following up. It’s a relief every time I hear back that another website has removed the product. I really appreciate sites that respect artists follow up promptly!
Copyright infringement is a huge issues for all kinds of artist, whether they’re in the visual arts, music, or writing. Part of the issue is education: a lot of people don’t know that they can’t use any material they find online. Something showing up in an image search doesn’t mean it’s free for the taking. If you aren’t familiar with copyright law, a little reading will go a long way and help you avoid accidentally trampling an artist’s rights. It might feel like a tiny thing to use an image you find online, but for the artist it’s a big deal. We are obligated to protect our copyright or we could lose it.
Thank you to everyone who values art and respects artists. Thank you for actually paying to license artwork. And thank you for responding quickly when an artist tells you their artwork is being used without authorization.